In some places here in the Mexican state of Yucatán finding Reliable contractors and landscapers can be a real issue.
It's not due to their quality of work but more to do with their punctuality. I’m not saying it’s impossible to find a hardworking contractor that shows up on time. There are very professional contractors that show up when they say they will be here in the Yucatan peninsula. If you find one, you have a hidden gem.
Contactors that show up on time are in high demand here in the Yucatán peninsula
Finding contractors that will show up has been an issue not just for myself but other expats, Mexican nationals, and even native Yucatecos.
So it is not just my perspective.
It blows my mind as an entrepreneur myself how much money some of the local contractors are leaving on the table.
So it is not just my perspective.
It blows my mind as an entrepreneur myself how much money some of the local contractors are leaving on the table.
What happens
Il give you a real-life example of how this has played out for myself personally.
My landlord which is also my neighbor wanted to cut down a few bamboo plants in my yard that were too tall and starting to bang against their wall when the wind blew.
They told me their grander would be coming by in the afternoon (26, October 2024). I know their garter, he’s done work for me before and I see him almost every day. He also does my landlord's yard at least twice a month.
Not only did he never show up, but every time my landlord and myself asked when he could do the job we always got an excuse of some kind.
Finally after Two Months! (29, December 2024) I ended up cutting it myself.
As a business owner, things like this really frustrate me. If I did that to my clients, I would be out of business with a bad reputation.
I spoke to a few other neighbors about this and they also have had similar experiences. Some of them with the same person.
Why this happens
It's hard to know exactly why some of the local contractors( albañiles) have this type of work ethic. But, I do know that they have very little competition, that actually shows up and does the job right. This forces consumers to use the local labor despite their bad work ethic.
Most of my neighbors complain about their gardeners, and home services contractors but, since they have no one else to do the job they still have to rely on them.
This has made me consider starting my own landscaping company here. Most of the people I live around have so much pain around hiring local labor that they would happily pay a little more just to get the job done one time and done right.
If you are looking for a business opportunity here in the Merida or Yucatán peninsula area, landscaping and construction are two good places to start especially if you have expats as client’s who expect things to be done on time.
Most of my neighbors complain about their gardeners, and home services contractors but, since they have no one else to do the job they still have to rely on them.
This has made me consider starting my own landscaping company here. Most of the people I live around have so much pain around hiring local labor that they would happily pay a little more just to get the job done one time and done right.
If you are looking for a business opportunity here in the Merida or Yucatán peninsula area, landscaping and construction are two good places to start especially if you have expats as client’s who expect things to be done on time.